Twins & Marriage (Happy Anniversary)

Tomorrow, January 9th, marks thirteen years of marriage between Keri and I.  It also marks nearly three months since these two little guys pictured above joined our family and turned our household of four into a party of six. They’re seriously cute when they’re not hungry.

Without question, these past few weeks have been some of the most challenging days of my life. The lack of sleep, the attempts at meeting the conflicting needs of both the older and younger kids, new and challenging work in the office, and major back pain that has forced me to give up sitting in a chair for more than a few minutes at a time.  It’s been exhausting and painful but also wonderful and delightful.  It’s been my biggest challenge as well as my greatest joy.

To my dearest wife, who puts up with my crazy mood swings, insatiable desire for neatness, and quickly graying hair: You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. What would I ever do without you? I’m a shell of a man without your love and friendship. Let’s run away together (in about five years).

Here’s to lucky number 13. Praying it’s the best year yet!