Name Brand or Not?

I’m curious to get some feedback on something.  When you’re making a purchasing decision (electronics, appliances

The Most Dangerous Prayer

I desire authenticity in my life, and I tend to be pretty transparent, but I hesitate to post this because it is so raw and re

The Impact of Community

Occasionally I read something that really stirs my heart and my mind. Today it was the following paragraphs: “The idea of re

Something That’s Been Bugging Me

It’s amazing how ministry has changed over the past few years. Things like websites, database management, compelling childre

Operating Without Margins

It’s confession time. Have you ever felt like life is flying by so quickly that you’re just hanging on for dear life? Or,

Holiday Stress

I love this time of year! The weather is finally beginning to change, and every day feels a little bit like a holiday as we dr

What My Daughter is Teaching Me

One thing I looked forward to when Keri and I realized we were going to have our first child was the opportunity to teach our

The Problem of Evil

If you’ve ever wondered why God allows so many bad and painful things to happen on earth, you’re certainly not alone.  In

Newspapers Freak Me Out

  Well, I feel pretty strange admitting this, but newspapers and magazines pretty much freak me out.  I’m not exactly sure

Books That Impact Our Lives

  I enjoy reading, but I sometimes have a hard time carving out time to read books.  In addition to that, I’m the sort of

Why I Love the Leadership Summit

  Over the next few months, you’re going to hear Dr. Marr and I talk a lot about the Leadership Summit.  This is an annual

Just War?

  Do you ever struggle with the apparent tension between Jesus’ command to turn the other cheek and the decision of governm

New Year’s Resolutions

  Ever since college, I’ve been committed to reading through the Bible at least once each year. Some of the reading plans I

Fighting Pornography

Recently our Pastor preached a message on the subject of pornography. The following list of resources has been made available

A Royal “Waste” of Time

Tonight I remembered a book by Marva J. Dawn that I read about four years ago called “A Royal ‘Waste’ of Time: The Splen

Does God Still Speak Through Dreams?

Here’s a great topic that a member of our fellowship suggested for the blog: There are many instances in Scripture where we

Does Prayer Change God?

  If you’ve ever struggled with the apparent contradiction between God’s unchanging nature and His desire for us to bring

That Nagging Feeling

Although we discussed this issue a week ago in my cell group, I felt that the conversation was helpful, and I thought I’d op

What’s Up with Fasting?

  I recently asked the West Campus congregation to join me in a couple of days of prayer and fasting for our church, and ther