Boba Fett Scratchbuilt Jetpack

It’s been a couple of years since I built my Boba Fett suit, but over the last few weeks I’ve been working on a jetpack. There’s a reason that I put this part off – it’s an incredibly difficult part to build from scratch. But since the unpainted resin kit costs $350, I chose to make the pack out of sintra and upholstery tubing which I managed to pick up for free. Other than that, it was just the cost of Bondo, spray paint, some wooden balls, liquid mask, and a few wooden dowels.

This was my first time to do something so elaborate, but I’m very pleased with the results.



For a full writeup, see my full list of instructions on Instructables.

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11 thoughts on “Boba Fett Scratchbuilt Jetpack

  1. Excellent work! I love the use of low cost materials and techniques anyone can do.

    I always thought that a drug dealer would love a missle firing backpack to get rid of drugs if cops spied him. Perhaps a GPS device of some sort to find it again :)

    I’m sure it’s been done, estes rocket engine Fett back pack :)

  2. I love this! I just showed my husband who’s a big Boba fan and he was wondering if he were to make this, would it pass standards for the Madelorian Merchs? He and I are joining the Rebel Legion, but he would like to join up with the Merchs too, and if he could make this as part of his costume, that would be awesome!

  3. Hello,

    I’m starting this build from your instructable.

    What lengths and diameters of cardboard tubing did you use? I’m confident I can get the diameter from the PDFs but I can’t see how to measure the lengths from the PDFs.

    Thank you!

  4. Hello, I was wondering about the painting of the jetpack. Did you use spray paint? If so, what brands/colors did you use?

  5. Hey Kyle, I was wonderif you used a template for the pieces you cut gor the jetpack? If so, did you find them on dented helmet? Do you happen to have the link?

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