I'm the Chief Operating Officer at MEDIA Alliance International and an Adjunct Professor at Dallas Baptist University.
So many great memories made over the summer, and some of them were captured in pixels. I’ve placed a few of my favorites
To help improve communications from our two-person communication team to the much larger church staff, we’ve recently im
I’ve put together the video below to announce the newest step in our life and ministry. Tip: make sure to watch the en
Any time I’m working on a design project – whether it’s a website, a postcard, or creating a logo, finding t
Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. My mothe
We’ve seen our church’s engagement on Facebook go from 200 to nearly 3,000 individuals over the past two years. Â
Late last week we rolled out a brand new look to the website and blog of Dr. Chris Stephens, my Senior Pastor. Â I felt that i
I’m pretty much a productivity junkie, but until recently, I’ve never come across a to-do app that was helpful, si
One of my favorite things about my job is getting to watch graphics come together for upcoming sermon series. Â As we finalize
-every ministry can have a voice. -content is directed to those who want that kind of information. -by using an HTML mail temp
Since my kids are really into drawing, and because we still had a wall undecorated in our bonus room, I decided it would be fu
If you’ve read my blog for very long, you may remember me mentioning my friend Brad Roberts. Â Brad has volunteered a to
In case you wondered what I was doing in E. Asia last week: Special thanks to Heather Burson for the video and the title.
For a few weeks, my daughter and I have talked about making a tree house for some of her toys. Â This weekend we decided to go
This video is amazing. The technology we have at our fingertips is astounding to me.
Every year I forget just how much I enjoy carving pumpkins. Â The kids make it even more fun. Isn’t he a handsome fellow
There are some days when parenting is difficult. Â There are times when it’s exhausting, grueling work. Â But there are
From time to time I get emails and phone calls regarding our Internet Campus setup at Faith Promise Church, so I decided to pu
To follow up on my previous post on illustrating, here’s a video that nearly made me pee my pants with laughter. HT: Chr
One of my goals for this year was to start learning cartoon illustration, and this weekend I decided to take the first step to
This morning I decided to start off my day with a quick run around the pond. It was a cool and misty morning – perfect w
As I’ve mentioned recently, I struggle with insecurity and trying to measure my worth by my abilities, characteristics,
When I hang out with my kids, we like to try to find new things to do. Â This morning, we decided to do a little origami. We s
I doubt many would be surprised to hear that I have a special place in my heart for technology. I love the way our church webs
Here’s a video of my nearly five-year-old daughter and two-year-old son practicing driving nails into a block of wood wi
Two years ago, Keri, the kids, and I flew to Knoxville, hung out with our friends, Josh and Kim Whitehead, visited Faith Promi
(This is a repost from my guest post over on the Faith Promise Blog earlier this morning.) Over the past few months, we’ve m
Keri left me with the kids for a few days while she travels with her mom and sister to a cousin’s wedding. Â The house i
I haven’t finished the last five books I’ve started, but now I’m on to the next. But this one is different.